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My Body Is Not Obscene

My Body Is Not Obscene (2021)

Great Nudity!

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The documentary My Body is Not Obscene (2021) focuses on the body positivity movement and the drive by models, activists, and everyday people to remove some of the stigma surrounding the nude human body! In our increasingly puritanical world, it's nice to see a film come along that embraces what has long been thought of as dirty or—in this film's word—obscene, and reclaim the naked body as something beautiful, something to be celebrated rather than shamed. This is quite obviously right in line with our philosophy here at Mr. Man and it's nice to see a film espouse all of the core beliefs about nudity that we hold near and dear! If there's one area where the film could have been at least slightly improved would have been in the inclusion of more naked men. There are naked women galore in this flick, including model, photographer, and body positivity activist Nina Covington, but it's not a very equal opportunity affair as the naked women outnumber the naked men by a margin of nearly four to one. It's not all bad news, however! Jason O'Brien, who also wrote and directed the film, puts his money where his mouth is by posing completely nude in the film! We get a nice look at his bare butt and balls while he poses in the studio and later we get to see the full monty when he poses in nature! Not to be outdone, R. Daniel Walker also does a nude photoshoot where he does some yoga poses that nicely accentuate his downward facing dong!