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The Cell

The Cell (2000)

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The Cell (2000), likely Jennifer Lopez’s strangest and most surreal film - okay besides Gigli (2003), takes the “race to save a serial killer’s captive” storyline of The Silence of the Lambs (1991), and combines it with the visionary dreamscape of director Tarsem Singh (The Fall,  Mirror Mirror, Self/Less). JLo plays Catherine Deane, a psychologist summoned by the FBI to a virtual reality chamber which is able to implant her inside the mind of a comatose killer. All this is in order to locate his latest victim who is trapped inside an elaborate time-released torture chamber. Will this transcendental journey inside a tortured killer’s mind unlock the key to finding her or will it trap Catherine forever? Vincent D’Onofrio plays the killer in mind and body, although our first look at his naked backside as he hangs by his skin from chains may be that of a body double. We may never know, just like we’ll never know how the hell rigged himself into this elaborate S&M contraction. But no matter, as Vincent gives us two more looks at his buff bod as he walks in a sweaty stupor. We also briefly see Gareth Williams in his underwear, playing Vincent’s abusive father in a vision of his traumatic childhood.