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68 Whiskey

68 Whiskey (2020)

Brief Nudity

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Like M*A*S*H (1972-1983), 68 Whiskey (2020) uses comedy and drama on a small screen format to depict the daily lives of those enlisted during active conflicts. Yet unlike the former award-winning hit which enjoyed record-breaking longevity on television, 68 Whiskey was 86-ed after just one season. Nevertheless, the Paramount Network production was great while it lasted — especially since it features a lot of skin! Based on the Israeli television saga Charlie Golf One, this series stars Gage Golightly and Sam Keeley as it whisks viewers away to a remote base in Afghanistan. Here, we meet Anthony Petrocelli (Nicholas Coombe), Chef Colin Gale (Aaron Glenane), Colonel Harlan Austin (Lamont Thompson), Major Sonia Holloway (Beth Riesgraf), Sergeant Rosa Alvarez (Cristina Rodlo), Staff Sergeant Mekhi Davis (Jeremy Tardy), and warlord (Fahim Fazli). In episode 1, Cooper Roback (Keeley) and Sasquatch (Derek Theler) literally lose their shirts in a boxing match. Needless to say, both are knockouts! The same can be said of the topless hotties: Missing Fingers (Stephen Murphy) in episode 3, Warlord’s bodyguard (Sunny Dhillon) in episode 4, and Captain Hazara (Usman Ally) in episode 5. Better yet, an Afghan captain (Ruman Kazi) exposes his abs and ass in episode 4, which includes more views of Mr. Keeley’s chest as he strips down to his bulging briefs. If that’s not arousing enough, he reveals his rump in episode 3, as does Mr. Theler in episode 2. As you can see, war may be hell but watching these skintastic soldiers sans clothes is heavenly!