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Aleksandr's Price

Aleksandr's Price (2013)

Brief Nudity

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Taking self believe to a new level, Pau Maso produced, wrote, directed and starred in the gay dramaAleksandr's Price (2013). And if the abundance of positive reviews are any indication, it was worth every penny. Pau plays our title character: a Russian immigrant struggling to pay the bills after the death of his mother. At first, he does a bit of go-go dancing, but when that's not enough and the indecent proposals he's bombarded with at the club just keep rising in price, Aleksandr starts selling his body as a gay escort. Turning tricks by draining dicks is a tough life, though, so soon enough Aleksandr has a serious drug problem he needs to try and kick. Eventually he'll meet an older man named Tom (Keith Dougherty) who seems kind enough that he might help save Aleksandr's life from the path of destruction he's hurdling down. But since the dirtier and more degrading stuff he's willing to do the more dollars he brings home, it's a very tough life to leave behind. Speaking of behinds, Pau Maso is shirtless in several scenes and even shows us his ass in the shower. We wonder how much he'd charge because we are loving watching his tight bod in bed! Whatever it is, the price is right! During one business sexchange, Pau ends up doing it with Josh Berresford, who shows off the tufts of hair on his chest and arms as he thrusts into Pau's butt. Then, he cuddles Pau in bed afterwards, which is downright adorable. But Pau looks like he has more fun with Olivier Canovas who is downright sexy during their tender sex scene, though he abruptly leaves after. What gives, dude? At least stay for seconds. Maybe ask for a buy one get one deal on getting it on? But if you're pinching pennies and can't afford a pretty boy prostitute, Aleksandr's Price provides plenty of bang for your buck!