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Breaking Bad

Breaking Bad (2008-2011)

Brief Nudity

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One of the greatest television shows of all time, AMC's Breaking Bad had fans addicted to the story of teacher turned crime lord Walter White (Bryan Cranston) since 2008. The recipient of sixteen Emmys over the course of its five-season run, Vince Gilligan's masterpiece introduced the world to Walter White as an underachieving high school chemistry teacher struggling to make ends meet. When he is diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer, White partners up with former burnout student, Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), to cook and sell high quality methamphetamine with the goal of securing his family’s financial future. As the crafty chemist begins mastering the meth business, he enters a dark and comedic world of mischief and murder. From run-ins with Mexican drug cartels to having to deal with a DEA Agent brother-in-law (Dean Norris), danger was all around for the man who came to be known as "Heisenberg." From the crooked Lawyer faking his Jewish background Saul Goodman (Bob Odenkirk), and the Chilean drug lord slash chicken shop owner Gus Fring (Giancarlo Esposito), to the least likeable character in TV history Skyler White (Anna Gunn), every character, head on a turtle and pizza on a roof moment on the show was iconic. The only bad thing is the lack of full frontal! Cranston doesn’t show his Malcolm in the middle, but he does give us a periodic peak at his table. In a moment of hilarity, Cranston stumbles through the supermarket, showing his slimmed down seat. We also see his crack when the drug maker is having some sweaty sex with his wife. The meth maker’s moon is sure to cause a chemical reaction! If only he was the one who cocks! Aaron Paul showed his young and slim chest while sleeping without a shirt on, while Dean Norris showed the beefier side of the male physique while shirtless, himself. Throw in Christopher Cousins DILFing it up in a hotel room and Breaking Bad had us breaking out the tissues!