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Brock Hayhoe

Brock Hayhoe Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, White, Blond Hair

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , CA

AKA: Brooke Lynn Hytes

2 Blog Posts for this celebrity

Top Brock Hayhoe Scenes


Drawn to dancing early in his life, Toronto native Brock Hayhoe attended the National Ballet School of Canada. After finishing his training, he landed a job in the National Ballet of South Africa. Dancing took him around the world, allowing him to perform in many different productions but he always found himself connecting more with the female parts than the male. Moving to New York, he started getting into the drag scene. He then decided to become a full time drag queen so he moved back to Toronto performing as Brooke Lynn. Brock flashes some booty in an episode of RuPaul’s Drag Race when he walks out to show off a costume. Turning around, he drops the back of it, showing some nice but crackage. If you simply can't get enough of this hottie, you can find in his Brooke Lynn persona on movies, music videos and TV shows. See him in Seek (2014), Yvie Oddly feat. Vanjie: Hype, Heidi. Closet Ft. Widow Von'Du: GAP, Brooke Lynn Hytes Ft. Priyanka: Queen of the North, 1 Queen 5 Queers, and The Bitch Who Stole Christmas (2021). While we can't help but be thrilled that Brock's showbiz career is going strong, we'll still hoping that he gets in touch with another level of his naughty side and takes off all those clothes in the very near future. When that blessed day comes to pass, Man Central and all the flesh fiends of the world will be coming along with it. You'll be screaming Heyhoe!