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Creep (2015)

Brief Nudity

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Creep (2014) is low budget found footage horror comedy co-written and starring the always resourceful Mark Duplass who teams with fellow actor, writing partner, and director Patrick Brice, making his feature film debut. The story centers around Aaron (Brice) as an optimistic videographer who answers a mysterious and rather sad Craigslist ad written by Josef (Duplass), a man dying of a terminal illness who wants someone to film him in a series of videos to show his unborn son. Eccentric as he is, Aaron figures the money is good and agrees to help.  But as the days go on, Aaron becomes increasingly suspicious of Joseph's mental state and worries there may be more to this story than the man is telling him. Though it's an odd scenario to depict for his kid, Joseph insists Aaron keep filming as he prepares for a bath, and we see Duplass drop his pants, giving us a peek at his ass and a flash of his pubes. Ah, the memories.