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Doogie Kamealoha, M.D.

Doogie Kamealoha, M.D. (2021)

No Nudity

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It seemed like it would happen eventually, but a reboot of Doogie Howser M.D.—the early 90s show about a teenaged genius who becomes a doctor—finally happened in 2021 with the release of the Disney+ series Doogie Kamealoha M.D. This gender-swapped take on the series is interesting for one major reason... it takes place in a world in which the show Doogie Howser existed and that's how the show's lead character gets dubbed Doogie. Set on the big island of Hawaii, the show revolves around Lahela Kamealoha (Peyton Elizabeth Lee), a sixteen year old graduate from the University of Hawaii's medical school who lands a residence at a local hospital. Another wrinkle that this reboot adds to the mix is that Doogie's mother Clara (Kathleen Rose Perkins) is the chief medical officer at the hospital where her daughter is doing her residency, adding the age old double-edged blade of nepotism and the increased pressure of great parental expectations to the show's dramatic elements. Her father Benny (90s hunk Jason Scott Lee), meanwhile, runs a shaved ice truck at the beach and is proud of his over achieving daughter no matter what she does. It's not all work and no play for Doogie, however, as she takes a romantic interest in Alex Aiono's surfer dude Walter, and it's easy to see why when he appears at the beach in just some board shorts, showing off his shredded physique! Jason Scott Lee also gets in on the shirtless action during a surfing lesson with his daughter, showing off his tight bod that hasn't aged a day! Let's hope this series gets to the beach as often as possible because that's clearly where the action we love is at!