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Affable muscle man and certified momma's boy, Ed Eason, might look like a "Bro" from Conshohocken, PA but is actually more of a lovable goof than any stereotype he projects.  Ed is one of the contestants on Netflix's reality TV gameshow The Circle and he's the only one who brought his mom along to help him win the $100,000 grand prize.  With a thick Philly style accent, burly boy beard, and an insanely beefy body, this hunk with a heart of gold shows how much he hits the gym by pretty much living shirtless or in tank-tops the entire first season of the contest.  It's a good thing this shirtless stud is stuck in that apartment because he would likely starve to death from lack of service in the real world with how little he wears a shirt!  While Ed hasn't been bothered to branch out from his reality-world roots, Man Central has a lot of hope that this hottie will soon discover his naughty side in front of the camera and start shedding those threads on the regular. Until that blessed day comes to pass, you can rest assured that Mr. Man will continue digging through the annals of the internet looking for any evidence of Ed's delectable seat meat, balls, or bulge for the foreseeable future. You never know when a specimen like Ed might decide to take it all off. If he doesn't, well, at least our imaginations can still work! Eason makes us want to ease our hands into our pants!