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Jorge Monje

Jorge Monje Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, Latino / hispanic, Black Hair

Nude Roles: 1

Real Name: Jorge Monje Cruz

Top Jorge Monje Scenes

Rated R (2008) Nude, butt, straight Jorge Monje thrills a girl in bed! (23 secs)
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Bearded and beautiful Jorge Monje is an actor from Spain who has been cutting his teeth in the biz for over 20 years, having appeared in over 40 film and television projects including the popular Spanish series Love In Difficult Times and Road to Santiago. (2009) In the buddy drama Dos Amigos (2013), this sexy Spaniard gets shirtless while his sexy co-star, Font Garcia shows his rig for all of us to enjoy. Jorge's career is hot and so is he!