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José Carriedo

José Carriedo Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, Latino / hispanic, Black Hair

Nude Roles: 1

Top José Carriedo Scenes


Just take one long and lustful look at the mega-hot José Carriedo and you'll quickly realize why men from MExico are some of our favorite skin-ful specimens! Carriedo is an actor best known for his work in Voces (2016), El hombre Que Rescató a la princesa (2014), and Casa Caracol (2016). José goes full frontal to streak through a public pool in the Mexican drama A Monster with a Thousand Heads (2015). The film, originally titled Un monstruo de mil cabezas, follows a woman who must fight the system after her insurance provider refuses to cover the care her dying husband needs to live. Has she tried showing her husband José’s sexy naked body? Because we’re certainly feeling revived. In the film, José runs from the locker room to the indoor pool completely buck-naked! As he sprints, we get a great look at both his beautiful butt and delicious dong. The film is called A Monster with a Thousand Heads, but the only monster we’re concerned with is José’s one-eyed monster! While we all wait impatiently for Carriedo's next nude role, you can placate your loins with some of his other clothed performances in boob tube series like Luis Miguel: The Series, or movies such as Mi pequeno gran hombre (2018), Malibu (2021), and Lecciones para canallas (2022). It's great news for flesh fiends of the world that this babe's showbiz career is still going strong. So are our collective hard-ons for him! How about shedding those threads in your next one, José?