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Roly Serrano

Roly Serrano Sexy

No Nudity

Keywords: No Nudity, Latino / hispanic, Black Hair

Birthplace: Guachipas, AR

Real Name: Rolando Serrano

Top Roly Serrano Scenes

Youth (2015) Sexy, shirtless 00:56:34 The men of youth show off their bods while relaxing in the pool. (1 min 7 secs)
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Big Beautiful Man Roly Serrano is a native of Argentina, and he is by all accounts a pretty massive star in his home country. He’s had roles in countless Argentinian TV shows and movies over the last 30+ years, including A Crysanthemum Bursts in Cincoesquinas (1998), Champions of Life, The Damned Rib (1999), The Little Polish (2003), Maradona, the Hand of God (2007), and From Tuesday to Tuesday (2012). His first real crack into crossover, international recognition came with his role as Diego Maradona in Italian auteur Paolo Sorentino’s comedic drama Youth (2015). As Diego, we see Roly shirtless a couple of times—once as he kicks around a tennis ball on a court, and another time when he wades around in a big swimming pool with Michael Caine and Paul Dano—and in the process get to fully appreciate his distinguished figure. The title of the film might not apply to his character particularly but he hasn’t lost any of his luster—nor have we lost any of our lust for him!