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Stuart K. Robinson

Stuart K. Robinson Nude

Brief Nudity

Keywords: Brief Nudity, Black, Black Hair

Nude Roles: 1

Birthplace: , US

Date of Birth: 02/20/55

Top Stuart K. Robinson Scenes


The sultry Stuart K. Robinson is an American actor best known for his roles in Better Off Dead… (1985), Rocky II (1979), and Death Wish II (1982). Stuart was born on September 20, 1955. Stuart shows off his beautiful bum in the Charles Bronson led action film Death Wish II. The film follows an architect just trying to live a normal life. However, after his daughter is murdered by a group of gang members, the man decides to get vigilante justice by hunting each man involved in his daughter’s death down and killing them individually. Stuart gives us a great look at his tight tush for his role as an evil gang member named Jiver. Although the scene itself is far from sexy, Stuart’s full moon makes us howl! We can’t wait to see more nudity from the sexy Stuart K. Robinson.