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Drift (2013)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: Drama
  • Directed by: Morgan O'Neill, Ben Nott
  • Rated: R
  • Theatrical Release: 08/02/2013
  • Country: Australia
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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If shaggy surfer dudes turn your short board into a longboard, then Drift (2013) will have your hand drift-ing inside your boxers faster than you can say "aloha, bra!" Drift is based on the true story of Andy and Jimmy Kelly (Myles Pollard and Xavier Samuel), Australian brothers who kick-started the modern surf industry by opening a surf shop selling custom wet suits and surfboards in their garage. Xavier shows us his Banzai Pipeline mooning an old dude, and their surfer pal Aaron Glenane bares some faraway fanny having a reflective moment on the beach. Drift will have you hanging ten…on yourself!