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Harry and Max

Harry and Max (2004)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: Drama
  • Directed by: Christopher Münch
  • Rated: NR
  • Theatrical Release: 02/18/2005
  • Country: USA
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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The math gets fuzzy in the dramedy Harry + Max (2004). Harry (Bryce Johnson) is a twentysomething former boy band idol that is headed towards obscurity, alcoholism and Japan, the only place where he’s still a star. With his younger bro Max (Cole Williams) following in his boy band footsteps, Harry has become somewhat of an advisor. While Harry tries to maintain his relationship with his girlie (Roni Deitz), Max likes the finer things in life—he’s gay. During a brotherly camping trip, the brothers start to head down highway incest at a high speed, leading to a fallout that further complicates their lives. Throw in a cash-grabbing mother, revenge fucking and overall family dysfunction, and things go from bad to worse. But there are some bright spots in the form of Bryce Johnson’s partial peen and backside. We’d like to get skin-cestual with Bryce!