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Night in Paradise

Night in Paradise (2020)

No Nudity

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Right in the middle of the East China Sea, just a little boat ride from the tip of South Korea, there is a volcanic island called Jeju Island.  It's full of hiking trails, rimmed with beaches, and is considered by many to be paradise, but for Tae-Gu (Um Tae-goo), it's his safety net to get away from his criminal life that is chasing him.  Tae-Gu is an assassin, and one of the world's best, but when a rival gang asks for him to flip and come over to their side, he rebukes the offer.  In response to his disrespect, the rival gang murders his sister and her daughter...  So what is a world class assassin to do?  Well go on a killing spree of course to take out the man who wronged him, and he does so with extreme prejudice!  That gang rolls deep though and the remaining henchmen and new leader decide to come after him, so he hides out on Jeju Island.  The only problem is that Tae-Gu meets a terminally ill woman and begins to have some butterfly feelings in his tummy for her.  The worst possible time to fall in love is when a rival gang is ruthlessly hunting you, even if it is on an idyllic volcanic island full of resorts!  Get ready for a Night in Paradise!  We can only assume this film earned it's title after casting the hunky Um Tae-Goo as the lead actor and although he doesn't get naked in this South Korean feature, he does show us plenty of skin in the spa before going on a shirtless rampage.