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November Rule

November Rule (2015)

No Nudity

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Rules are made to be broken is the theme of November Rule (2015) a romantic comedy that find Steve (Mo McRae) making a rule that ends up potentially costing him dearly. It seems Steve has no desire to be tied down or get married so he made a rule. Every November 1st he breaks up with the girl he is dating. This makes certain he never gets too close to them. On this particular November 1st he breaks up with Leah (Tatyana Ali) and suddenly realizes that he may have lost the woman of his dreams. With the help of his friends he sets out to win her back.

Mo breaks out the sexy in the locker room when we see him post shower with a towel around his waist. The added water gives some serious definition to his chiseled physique. One of Mo’s friends is played by Faizon Love who shows off the big sexy when he shows up shirtless and dances around the room with his pants hanging off his ass and his boxers showing. The hot guys of November Rule will make you drool!