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The Taste of Money

The Taste of Money (2012)

Brief Nudity
  • Directed by: Sang-soo Im
  • Rated: NR
  • Theatrical Release: 01/25/2013
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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A low-level assistant becomes the pawn of an amoral heiress in the South Korean drama The Taste of Money (2012). Young-Jak Joo (Kang-woo Kim) has just been hired as a gofer for the powerful Yoon family when he is charged with bribing a government official in exchange for dropping charges against the irresponsible family heir. But that's nothing compared to the things that Mr. Yoon's trophy wife Na-mi (Hyo-Jin Kim) asks him to do when she finds out that her husband's been banging the maid. Here's a hint: they're the same things you'll do to yourself when you see Kang-woo's terrific tush and tendons as he bangs his blackmailer lover. Forget the money...how about a taste of his honey?