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Trouble in Mind

Trouble in Mind (1985)

No Nudity

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Trouble in Mind (1985) is a strange, dystopian, futuristic noir, and drama that you have to see. You'll laugh. You'll cry and you'll lust over the 1980s hunks in this flick with their shirtlessness. Kris Kristofferson stars as a former cop who went to jail after killing a mob boss in this fictional place called Rain City. He served his time and now he's out as an ex-con who goes to his ex-girlfriend's cafe in order to rekindle their romance. Instead, he meets the new waitress she's hired. The waitress moved to this fictional city with her husband who is played by Keith Carradine. Together the very poor young couple schemes to get rich and moved to the dystopian police state city to start over. Cutie Kris Kristofferson ends up hooking up with this dude's wife. Go figure! They lay in bed together where Kris shows his retro chest fuzz that will ease any troubles in your mind. Oh, speaking of that dude's wife...that dude gets shirtless, too. Keith Carradine parties with some babes who encourage him to dance shirtless. He drunkenly does it to show us his beautifully chiseled chest. Finally, Joe Morton is also at the party and he takes partying up a notch when he gets down to his underwear. We see his big bulge and rockhard abs when he's taking everything off to have a good time. Fun fact: Divine also stars in this movie out of drag. This was one of his only non-drag film roles! So, in a way, this sexy film is a part of queer history from hot dudes to Divine in man form. Nothing troublesome about that!