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Applesauce (2015)

Brief Nudity

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Applesauce, a seemingly innocuous title, begins with a surprisingly loaded question: What's the worst thing you've ever done? That's what radio talk show host Stevie Bricks asks his listeners one night, and high school teacher Ron Welz decides to call in and answer. If that weren't bad enough, Ron decides to recount this little horror story—which we won't name here—to his wife and another couple at dinner right afterward. Everyone else at the table follows suit, telling their deepest, darkest secrets, which naturally ruins everything. Ron starts getting severed body parts in the mail and everyone around him is a potential suspect (you know, since he announced his crime on live radio). Luckily, amid all the mayhem, both couples find plenty of time to bone, giving us a glimpse of the glutes on Onur Tukel and a the shirtless, shoving bod of Max Casella. You'll be handling sauce of your own after this one!