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Dusk for a Hitman

Dusk for a Hitman (2023)

No Nudity

Top Scene


A phrase like "Partially Based on True Events" sounds less like a tagline and more like a carefully crafted legal statement designed to fend off potential future legal actions, but that's what Dusk for a Hitman (2023) has chosen to bill itself as, so here we are. In the late 70s, Donald Lavoie (Éric Bruneau) is a hitman working for criminal mastermind Claude Dubois (Benoît Gouin) in southern Montreal. Donald nearly gets sent up when eager but stupid hotshot rookie criminal Serge Rivard (Joakim Robillard) implicates him in a hit, and now the feds (or French-Canada's equivalent) are trying to get Donald to flip on his boss. Instead, he goes a different, substantially more criminal direction! Sadly the nudity mentioned among the film's objectionable content is all of the female variety, but Éric Bruneau treats us to some seriously sexy shirtless action, but we see nothing below the waist besides some leg!