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Hirngespinster (2014)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: Drama
  • Directed by: Christian Bach
  • Theatrical Release: 10/09/2014
  • Home Release: 04/10/2015
  • Country: Germany
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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The coming of age drama Hirngespinster (2014) stars Jonas Nay as Simon Dallinger, a kind-hearted twenty-three-year-old who falls for the pretty and humorous Verena (Hanna Plass). Maintaining a relationship isn’t easy for Simon, because he has to deal with his schizophrenic father (Tobias Moretti) and take care of his ailing mother and his little sister. As Simon finds himself getting lost in his chaotic world, he comes to the realization that he doesn’t have the power to change the lives of others, but he does have the power to chose how he reacts to the problems that plague him. In between all the chaos and mental illness, Jonas Nay finds time bed his gal pal, giving us a dark but noticeable look at his rump and balls. Jonas in the nude is a real bonus!