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Jacky in the Kingdom of Women

Jacky in the Kingdom of Women (2014)

Great Nudity!

Top Scene


Yanks in the States can add foreign interest to their spank banks thanks to the skinternational pic Jacky in the Kingdom of Women (2014), also known as Jacky au royaume des filles. The French farce takes place in the fictional land of Bubunne, an impoverished nation dominated by women. Here, everyone eats the same gruel-like food and watches one television channel that airs soap operas and propaganda. If that’s not enough of indoctrination, all citizens must worship their supreme female General (Anémone aka Anne Bourguignon). Even though men are forced to wear headscarves and are treated like slaves, the titular character (Vincent Lacoste) wants more out of his existence. He’s a young dreamer who is in love with the Colonel (Charlotte Gainsbourg), an emotionless soldier who will be taking over leadership from her mother, the aging General. Luckily for Jacky, the Colonel is looking for the perfect husband. With his eyes on the pretty prize, he must overcome a plethora of problems and hardships to get into the Colonel’s inner circle so he can win her heart. While this quirky comedy offers a lot of smirks and smiles, Mr. Lacoste brings the skin! In a bizarre scene, he and his lady love address a crowd from the balcony of their castle. After both of them shed their threads, they go full frontal! He reveals his chest, pubes, balls and flaccid cock while she exposes the same via CGI effects. As you can see, this French flick features the universal language of flesh!