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Jaws 3-D

Jaws 3-D (1983)

No Nudity

Top Scene


Even sharks want revenge. Jaws 3-D (1983) takes place several years after the events in the original Jaws (1975) only this time the location has shifted to Orlando, Florida. The sons of hero police chief Brody are now grown up and working at Sea World where they have met women that they are in love with. When the park opens a new exhibit that allows sea life from the ocean come into the park a young Great White shark swims in, is captured, and dies. Little do the guests and staff of the park know that his very angry, 35-foot long, mother has followed him into the park and know seeks to destroy those who have killed her baby.

John Putch will have your hands taking a deep sea dive into your pants when you see him in his underwear in the water. He and his girl strip down to their undies and splash around in the water until they are interrupted. We get to see John’s nice upper body and impressive bulge in his tight shorts as he runs out the water laughing.