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Love and Other Drugs

Love and Other Drugs (2010)

Great Nudity!

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A rom-com about a pharmaceutical salesman might be a tough sell after the Opioid crisis, but back in 2010 Jake Gyllenhaal made it work when him and Anne Hathaway gave Golden Globe nominated performances in Love and Other Drugs (2010). Jake played Jamie Randall; a Pittsburgh based electronics store employee who bones the wrong girl, gets fired, and has to work as a Pfizer salesman hawking Zoloft. But since it's 1996, soon enough there'll be a pill that makes everyone way happier than that anti-depressant for him to push: Viagra! Speaking of pushing, that'll come in handy when Jamie meets Maggie (Anne Hathaway), a woman with Parkinson's Disease who is only interested in casual hookups. Jamie catches feelings, but Maggie feels that she'll be a burden on him because of her disease. Will Jamie stick around and live happily ever after or bail when the going gets tough? Jake and Anne spend most of the movie having sex, and we love to watch! They screw in many positions and locations which means we get to see plenty of ultra-fine Jake and his perfect body. He started filming this movie right after doing Prince of Persia (2010) so he was still cut, strong and looking fine. There are several clear shots of his ass that look so good you'll scoff at the idea of needing a little blue pill to get rock hard! If Jake's toned tush isn't your style, get a load of Josh Gad's jiggly butt while he's going to town on a woman smushed on the couch! Who knew Olaf was giving ladies the big O? Speaking of cartoon voices, even Hank Azaria gets in on the action by showing some sideass while getting caught screwing a woman in his office. Who knew selling meds landed you in so many beds? Love and Other Drugs had our dicks addicted to those fine ass pharmaceutical reps!