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Mitte 30

Mitte 30 (2007)

Brief Nudity
  • Genres: Drama
  • Directed by: Stefan Krohmer
  • Theatrical Release: 02/13/2008
  • Country: Germany
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Life has a strange way of playing itself out in the small screen series Mitte 30 (2007). Shot in Berlin, the Teutonic TV drama centers around a guy named Gerrit Frings (Mark Waschke). Although in his 30s, Gerrit and his wife Claudia (Anneke Kim Sarnau) don’t have any kids. This may be a good thing since his professional prospects have hit a dead end. In fact, after his company goes belly up, so does Gerrit’s business partner Markus (Robert Dölle). If that’s not bad enough, the widow Sandra (Silke Bodenbender) sues Gerrit. The story then takes a twisty turn when Mr. Frings tells Mrs. Frings that he wants to start anew without her — since he’s fallen in love with Sandra! Of course, we could see this coming since Gerrit doffed his duds to bed the blonde beauty. But how will Frau vom Arbeitsamt (Christina Geiße), Henning (Anian Zollner), Magdalena (Regina Stötzel), Michael (Clemens Schick), Nele (Helena Siegmund-Schultze), or Markus’s father (Dieter Mann) take the news? What does it matter so long as Herr Waschke treats us to another view of his bare body? Thankfully, we get to ogle the skintastic actor’s ass as well as his abs, sack and a bit of shaft when he scrubs up in the tub. Rub a dub dub! Alas, the flesh flashing goes by fast. In other words, keep one finger on pause. What you do with your other digits is up to you. Just remember to say “Danke sehr” for the boob tube nudity!