We have two sexy things streaming on Netflix right now. Make sure you stream these for the best and hottest men available on your device.

Now Streaming: After and Glee 7.18.19

After is a romantic movie starring Hero Fiennes Tiffin as a man with a dark secret. He and a young lady start a passionate romance, but everyone keeps warning her to be careful of him. Why, because his abs are so chiseled? We don't see the problem here. Watch After and Hero will soon be your, well, hero. See what we did there?

Now Streaming: After and Glee 7.18.19Now Streaming: After and Glee 7.18.19

Glee'sentire and complete series has hit Netflix this month. If you haven't already been watching religiously Glee religiously for years, then check it out to meet hunks like Chord Overstreet, Bryce Johnson, Jacob Artist, Blake Jenner, Darren Criss and more.

Now Streaming: After and Glee 7.18.19Now Streaming: After and Glee 7.18.19Now Streaming: After and Glee 7.18.19