Boys Love gekijouban (2007), or Schoolboy Crush as it's known in the US, is a Japanese erotic drama set in the halls of an all-boys prep school. Popular teacher Aoi (Yoshikazu Kotani) has his world turned upside down when he realizes that his newest student, Sora (Atsumi Kanno), is the male prostitute he once hired for a rendezvous. The harder that Aoi tries to fight this obsession with his student, the stronger his urges become, and it isn't long before the cat is not only out of the bag, but everyone from Sora's nerdy roommate to the school bully wants a cut of the action! The film kicks things off on a high note with Atsumi Kanno in the shower, showing off his ass, before joining a shirtless Yoshikazu Kotani in the bedroom! We get another look at Atsumi's ass when he showers at the school with a bunch of other students several minutes later, and again near the end of the film when he and a shirtless Kazunori Tani have a down and dirty fling in the bathroom! Don't be surprised if you develop a schoolboy crush on all of these sexy guys!