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Sex and the Future

Sex and the Future (2020)

No Nudity
  • Genres: Comedy
  • Directed by: Luis Hueck, Ethan Kaplan
  • Rated: NR
  • Home Release: 04/01/2020
  • Country: USA
  • Buy on Amazon >>

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Ah, a modern take on a classic premise is what you get with Sex and the Future.  Geeks who can't get laid, figure out a way to create the ultimate sex slave robot babes.  Think of Weird Science but with a couple of guy's who instead of leaving Lisa to her own devices and following her, build out an army of sexy and sultry robot babes, and then market them to the masses!  This is basically what we get when Evan (Phillip Crum) and Barry (Chris Markle) start to figure out the artificial intelligence behind their poorly made sex bots, that is until the unfortunate looking Prince Fahad (Fahad Olayan) takes his fortune to America to try and kickstart an acting career, but ends up as the hap hazard investor to these perv moguls of the sexy bot game.  There is nothing but A+ shenanigans that ensue when this group gets together and begins to pump out these sex bots and a larger debate about AI begins to form worldwide opinions on both sides of the fence!  Welp, needless to say, the world of robot sex workers means there is going be a whole mess of sexiness involved, even for the boys!  We get a tasty look at back massage specialist bot Angel Garet in his boxer briefs, and we also get some sexy bulge close-up of Andy Kenareki while he shoots a promotional video.  Of course we get one of the nerds in his boxers too when Chris Markle gets down to his boxer briefs for his blowjob bot...  Hilarity and sexiness ensue in this borderline teenage sex romp.